What is link juice

SEO term for link equity, we understand what equity means so consider link juice as a vote from a site that has page authority or domain authority. Juicy links need to be “follow” or unspecified, no follow links stop any juice being passed on. In contrast toxic links and those that come from a bad site can see you penalized.

Page authority

Developed by MOZ and points based, like Google it has its owns system of measuring and uses backlinks and trust factors and a whole raft of other indicators, it’s fair to assume the higher the score that any individual site has the better the backlink is likely to be. High PA sites generally do well in terms of organic traffic. A new domain with no links is likely to 1/100

Anchor Text

The visible on-page text within a hyperlink. On mouse over are underlined and can be any color with simple changes to the CSS or HTML. Useful for linking to relevant topics. Good practice not to use in a spammy method

Useful Sites

https://moz.com/researchtools/ose/ Moz PA 89/100

https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp Moz PA 81/100

Author: Jay Richards